Are you wondering how to obtain Australian citizenship? This article outlines the criteria for acquiring Australian Citizenship, immigration, provides a step-by-step guide to obtaining citizenship, and discusses the benefits and opportunities of holding dual citizenship in Australia.
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Australian citizenship is a status that grants its holder the right to be a full-fledged resident of one of the most developed and stable parts of the world. As an Australian citizen, you are protected by the state, entitled to social benefits, and free to live, work, and move around the country.
The Australian passport, which is one of the most attractive passports in the world, confirms this citizenship status. Possessing an Australian passport also comes with privileges in many other countries worldwide. These include the ability to:
- Visit most countries in the world without a visa;
- Reside permanently in the country without restrictions on entry and exit;
- Automatically confer citizenship on children of Australian citizens;
- Vote and run for public office at all levels of government, and more.
These and many other advantages attract foreigners from all continents to migrate to Australia, which has long been considered a country of immigrants.
Conditions for Acquiring Australian Citizenship
Foreigners can obtain Australian citizenship by meeting specific requirements and fulfilling certain conditions. To be eligible for Australian citizenship, a foreigner must have been present in the country for at least four years, with the last year being as a permanent resident. All applicants must undergo an interview and pass a special test. Before receiving their Australian passport, they must swear allegiance to the state. Citizens also have specific obligations, such as:
- Not breaking the country’s laws;
- Participating in elections (failure to do so may result in a fine);
- Defending the country in case of military action (for men); and
- Serving as a juror in court.
Ways to Immigrate to Australia
The primary way acquiring Australian Citizenship is through birthright. This category includes those born on Australian territory or those with at least one parent who holds Australian citizenship. Naturalization is another way to obtain a passport in Australia. To do so, a foreigner must come to the country for a specific purpose such as studying, getting married, working, or conducting business. In addition to this, the migrant must reside in the country for at least five years. In the case of marriage, the residency requirement is reduced to three years. There are also other grounds for moving to Australia, which allow the migrant to obtain a residency permit in the country and later apply for an Australian passport.
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By Birthright
Australian citizenship can be acquired by birthright. Children born to parents who hold a passport of the country automatically obtain citizenship, even if the parents reside outside the continent (diplomats’ children are the only exception). Children who were born in the country and lived there for ten years can also become Australian citizens, regardless of their parents’ nationality.
Family Reunion
If a prospective immigrant has relatives in Australia, they can move to the country by taking advantage of their hospitality. The right to obtain Australian citizenship through family reunion or marriage is granted to:
- Fiancés/fiancées of Australian citizens who are preparing to get married;
- Spouses of citizens of the country (same-sex marriages are also allowed in Australia);
- Children, parents, and relatives, provided that the citizen of the country can act as a sponsor and provide for them.
As for married couples, the relevant authorities scrutinize the marriage for fraudulence and take a very strict stance on violations of this law.
Business Immigration
Australia, like many countries, welcomes migrants who intend to open their own business in the country. This approach enhances and develops the country’s economy. For foreign entrepreneurs, there are a number of conditions:
- The age of the entrepreneur should not exceed 54 years (although there may be exceptions).
- The person should be a professional entrepreneur with a minimum of two years of successful business experience.
- A business plan must be provided that outlines the company’s profitability and its positive impact on the country’s economy.
- Proof that the capital invested in the business has been earned legally.
- A certificate of good health.
- A certificate indicating that the migrant has no legal issues (a clean criminal record).
If the authorities of the country deem that the entrepreneur can successfully implement their idea, they will be issued a residency visa. With successful business management, the foreigner will obtain permanent residency status and then a passport. In addition, there are several government programs available for business people.
Business Innovation
For this program, the foreigner must have a successful business with a turnover of at least 310,000 euros and assets worth 495,000 euros.
Under this program, the entrepreneur receives venture financing of up to 123,000 euros from one of Australia’s companies to develop and promote a business idea or product.
Business Talent
This program is aimed at successful business people whose companies have a turnover of at least 1.9 million euros and assets worth 900,000 euros. The entrepreneur must also take a test and score a certain number of points, and then participate in the management of the company. This program also offers the possibility of venture financing of up to 600,000 euros.
Acquiring an Australian passport is possible through investment
The authorities have developed special programs aimed at attracting foreign investments to the country. To become a citizen through investment, serious capital investment is required. There are several programs aimed at implementing this process:
The Investment program involves investing €945,000 in the economy. These funds are invested in the development of a specific company and imply further business activity. The Significant Investment program requires investments of at least €3 million. After investing in the country’s economy, the investor has the right to expect simplified citizenship procedures.
Professional Immigration: This type of migration is aimed at highly skilled professionals in specific fields. Candidates for migration to the country on this basis are divided into two categories:
Independent specialists who obtain permanent residency rights. Foreigners who came to the country through sponsor programs from specific companies. To immigrate to the country through this method, it is necessary to provide documents on higher education and confirm qualifications. In addition, specialists are assigned a certain number of points that correspond to their level of expertise. For foreign specialists who do not have job offers from Australian employers but have certain skills, there is the General Skilled Migration program. To be approved for this program, the applicant must pass the Point-Test. This test includes knowledge of English, questions related to the candidate’s specialization, work experience, and other factors. To achieve a positive result, the applicant must score at least 60 points.
To obtain Australian citizenship through naturalization, one must reside on the continent for a minimum of four years and engage in some form of activity such as studying or working. During this time, one can be absent from the country for no more than one year, with a maximum of three months in the last year. Additionally, those who apply for Australian citizenship through naturalization must pass an exam on the history and culture of the country. This method also provides an opportunity for foreigners who come to the continent to obtain higher education, find a job after completing their studies, and stay in the country. However, achieving this requires passing the Point-Test with a score of at least 60 points.
Citizenship Application Process
The process of obtaining Australian citizenship begins with the preparation of documents, which will be reviewed by the Department of Home Affairs in Australia. All official papers can be submitted through the department’s website. Candidates must be prepared to take a special test – the Australian Citizenship Test, which is one of the last stages of the procedure. The test is computer-based, and all questions are in English. There are 20 questions on various topics related to life on the continent, its legal aspects, and other issues. One must answer at least 17 questions (75%). The test is conducted by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. However, some individuals may not need to take the test:
- Persons under 18 or over 60 years of age
- Individuals with vision or hearing problems or psychological disorders
- Foreigners whose parents were citizens of the country but lost their citizenship
- Australian residents born in the country but did not have citizenship for various reasons.
Good to know: How to Immigrate to Australia: a comprehensive Guide
Required Documents
The standard list of documents for obtaining Australian citizenship includes:
- National and international passports and their copies
- Information on previously obtained visas
- A language proficiency certificate
- A certificate of no criminal record
- A special form document developed by the country’s authorities
- A payment receipt for the government fee (200 euros).
In addition to the above, documents confirming the grounds for being in the country will also be required. For example, for those who migrate through naturalization, a certificate from a university or an employment contract will be necessary, among other documents. All documents must be translated into English. After submitting the documents, the applicant will be invited to an interview and to take the Australian Citizenship Test. If the decision is positive, the newly minted citizen will be invited to a passport ceremony.
Reasons for rejection
Not everyone who acquiring Australian Citizenship receives a positive response. There are several reasons why one may be denied Australian passport application.
- Errors in documents, both accidental typos and intentional concealment of information
- Failure to meet immigration service requirements, such as improper business conditions, illegal employment, and others
- Legal issues. If an individual has violated the law in their home country or on Australian soil, they may be denied citizenship
- Dual citizenship in Australia Australia allows dual or even triple citizenship. If an immigrant’s home country does not recognize this right, it is not an obstacle to obtaining Australian citizenship.
Advantages of living in Australia
Like any other country, Australia has its pros and cons. If we talk about the advantages, the following should be highlighted:
- Australia has a strong economic sector, providing many opportunities for business and employment
- The continent boasts beautiful nature, a favorable climate, and numerous interesting places for travel and leisure
- Education in Australia is considered one of the best in the world
- Residents enjoy good social security, medical services, and safety
Disadvantages of living in Australia
- The continent’s remoteness from other places, requiring long travel time
- High prices for real estate, food, and utilities
- Issues with transportation infrastructure
Australia is home to many dangerous animals and insects. For many, Australia remains a distant and mysterious country, although its doors are always open to immigrants from all over the world.