WordPress (engine) is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) that is used to build and manage websites. It was initially launched in 2003 and has since become one of the most popular CMS platforms on the web. WordPress is based on PHP and uses a MySQL database to store content.

WordPress: How to easy hide posts from specific categories on the homepage?

  • February 25, 2023

Hiding certain parts of a website from public view is an important advantage of content management systems. One of the key advantages of WordPress is its quick and user-friendly way of accomplishing this task.

Why hide posts?

Sometimes it is necessary to hide certain content on a website. This may be required, for example, if an ad block is present in a post that should not appear in the RSS feed, or if the website’s theme is changing. Of course, these pages can simply be deleted or changed to “Draft” status. However, if there are many such posts that still need to be accessed periodically, this method is not efficient. It is easier to hide an entire category of posts.

How to hide post on WordPress?

The free Ultimate Category Excluder plugin is excellent for this task, allowing the problem to be solved in a few clicks. After installing and activating the plugin, go to Settings -> Category Excluder in the admin panel.

As you can see, there is a table with a list of all categories present on the website that can be hidden from the following website sections:

  • homepage,
  • RSS feed,
  • archives,
  • search.

The first option allows for hiding posts from the list displayed on the homepage. The second option excludes categories from news feeds. Hiding pages from archives means that they will not be accessible in the list of all website posts (including the sitemap). They can also be excluded from the search. It should be noted that the exclusion does not apply to widgets (e.g. category list widgets).

Now let’s try to hide all categories from our example. To do this, select all columns with checkboxes, then click the “Update” button.

As a result, all posts from the selected categories will disappear from the list.

Good to know: WordPress: How to easy insert ads into an article?